My Story

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Hi! I’m Cara, girlfriend to Alex and twin mum to Scarlett & Leo. I started Giggles & Grace just after they were born (December 2013) because I saw it as the perfect opportunity to stay at home and work around them. Not long into my journey with being an business owner, i got a really big personal set back. My mum, my inspiration for everything I did in life, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I lost her in September 2015. 6 months later, i lost my dad to his heartbreak. These events changed my life.

I suddenly realised that I hadn’t appreciated the little moments with them. I hadn’t documented every second i’d had with them. I have plenty of posed smiles, but that’s not how I want to remember them, I want to remember their laughter, their eye rolling, their wrinkles, the precious bond that they had with my babies.

So that’s why I do what I do. I create snapshots of those everyday moments so you can have them forever. With your grandparents, your parents, your babies, your friends.

Real moments, real memories, real life.




*photo above by the wonderful Grace Photography